Product lifecycle

The stages a product goes through from development to withdrawal from the market, including introduction, growth, maturity, and decline, guiding strategic decisions throughout its life.

What is product Lifecycle?

The Product Lifecycle describes the stages a product undergoes from its initial development to its eventual withdrawal from the market. Understanding the product lifecycle is essential for making strategic decisions regarding product management, marketing, and evolution. The lifecycle typically includes the following stages:

  • Introduction: The product is launched into the market, and efforts focus on building awareness and generating initial sales.
  • Growth: The product gains traction, with increasing sales and market acceptance as it becomes known to a wider audience.
  • Maturity: Sales growth stabilizes as the product reaches its peak market penetration, and competition may intensify.
  • Decline: Sales begin to decrease as the product faces obsolescence or new alternatives emerge, leading to eventual discontinuation or phase-out.

For example, a new technology gadget might experience rapid growth and widespread adoption, eventually reaching maturity before declining as newer innovations replace it. Managing each stage effectively helps maximize a product’s success and longevity in the market.

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