
A characteristic of a design that suggests how an object should be used, making its function intuitive to the user, such as a button that appears raised and suggests it can be clicked.

what is Affordance?

Affordance refers to the visual and physical cues in a design that indicate how an object or element should be used. It helps users understand how to interact with a product without needing instructions. For example, a raised button suggests it can be pressed, or a handle on a door implies that it should be pulled. These cues make interfaces and products more intuitive, reducing cognitive load and improving the user experience.

In product design, affordance is crucial for creating intuitive, user-friendly designs. When elements of a product clearly communicate their purpose, users can navigate and interact with the product effortlessly. Effective affordances enhance usability by aligning a design’s appearance with its intended function, allowing users to engage naturally without confusion.

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